Pennsylvania Residents Now Have the Option to Put Non-Binary On Their Licenses

 PA Allows Non-Binary Option on Driver’s License

A new policy, passed on July 23rd, allows residents of Pennsylvania to no longer require a doctor’s note to change the sex on their license. As said by Pennsylvania Secretary of Transportation, Yassmin Gramian, “To change your gender designation, simply fill out the form and bring it to any PennDOT driver’s license center to complete the process. This form does not require the sign off of a medical or social-service provider. Simply self-certify your gender. You tell us who you are and we believe you” (Cwiek, 2020).

This new policy was praised by many LGBTQ leaders and allies such as Tyler Titus, vice chair of the Pennsylvania Commission on LGBT Affairs, who stated “As a nonbinary person, having the ability to mark on my ID that my gender identity is real and valid is life-changing.” 

It was also praised by Deja Lynn Alvarez, a trans leader who vocalized that “I think it’s amazing and long overdue,” Alvarez said. “I appreciate PennDOT recognizing that everyone deserves to have their identity respected. I am super excited for my non-binary and gender-nonconforming siblings who are often left out of the conversation around trans issues.” 

Followed by transgender attorney, Julie Chovanes who explained, “We are all people no matter how we self identify and self-recognition is fundamental to freedom in the U.S.  It is about time that that freedom becomes official policy across the land. And this is a welcome first step” (Cwiek, 2020).

The new gender designation options on Pennsylvania driver’s licenses and photo ID cards are “M” (male), “F” (female) or “X” (non-binary). Anyone who wishes to change their gender designation should fill out Form DL-32 and bring it to any PennDOT Driver License Center to complete the process. A gender designation change must be completed in person at a PennDOT Driver License Center (Gender Designation Options, 2020). 

This form and all other information regarding this new policy can be found at or by visiting a PennDOT Driver License Center.

Yours Truly,

Myesha Sapp


-, T., By, -, & Cwiek, T. (2020, July 28). Pa. allows non-binary option on driver's licenses. Retrieved August 14, 2020, from

Gender Designation Options. (n.d.). Retrieved August 14, 2020, from

Myesha Sapp