NFL Supports LGBTQ+

NFL Supports LGBTQ+ Community

The NFL has made an open statement that they condemn homophobia and do not tolerate discrimination of any kind. They said, “There is no place for harassment, heteronormative language, or ignorant terminology” (Vincent, 2020). This LGBTQ History Month, the NFL is launching initiatives to promote their message of inclusion.

One of the NFL’s initiatives in collaboration with GLAAD, is to celebrate Spirit Day on October 15th. They urged viewers to wear purple in support of LGBTQ+ youth. Another initiative was a commercial that aired on National Coming Out Day on October 11th. The commercial featured NFL players, including retired LGBTQ+ players, offering support to any active players considering coming out themselves (Kelleher, 2020). 

A recent op-ed by Troy Vincent, an Executive Vice President of the NFL, discussed the NFL’s need to be inclusive and welcoming of LGBTQ+ players going forward. He raised the important question: “Have we created an environment of allyship and support across the NFL -- and all professional sports for that matter -- to give people the space to be who they need to be?” (Vincent, 2020).

He also pointed out that although there are 1,696 players in the NFL and approximately 9 to 12 percent of the general population identifies as something other than straight, there has never been an active player that has come out. This is not to say that there hasn’t been LGBTQ+ players. We acknowledge the NFL players Dave Kopay, Jerry Smith, Ray McDonald, Roy Simmons, Jeff Rohrer, Esera Tuaolo, Kwame Harris, Michael Sam, Wade Davis II, Ryan O’Callaghan, and Ryan Russell who have come out at other times rather than when they were active players (Buzinski, 2017). 

The message Vincent echoes from the NFL is that they are ready for an openly out and active player is a positive message. We urge the NFL to follow through with their message condemning homophobia and discrimination, and to actively work towards creating that safe and inclusive environment for all. 

You can check out their designated website to learn more about the NFL’s initiatives for this month and going forward to creating a more inclusive space for all players and fans of the NFL:


The Associated Press. (2020). NFL launching initiatives throughout LGBTQ History Month. Retrieved from 

Buzinski, J. (2017). There have been 11 known gay players in NFL history. Retrieved from 

Kelleher, P. (2020). NFL video: Footballers offer support to players considering coming out. Retrieved from

Vincent, T. (2020). Op-Ed: The NFL is ready for its first openly out active player. Retrieved from 

Lucy Dollinger